RSVP Dashboard
The RSVP Dashboard is a centralized location for all of your admissions purchased and allocations. It is here you can see quick stats related to admissions, who purchased what admission, how many seats are allocated, the RSVP URL, and the RSVP Contact. You also have access to edit each Sale, allowing for you to customize the allocations and meal selections and send RSVP Letters & Emails.
Note: In order to use RSVP your organization must have both the Event Software and Online Payments. If you do not see the RSVP Dashboard, please contact
The RSVP Dashboard can be found by clicking Manage Project in the Main Menu and selecting RSVP Dashboard.
RSVP Dashboard Stats
- Admissions: This shows your total number of admissions purchased and the total number of admissions that have been allocated.
- Admissions Purchased by Package Name: This lists the package names for all packages that contain admissions that have been sold and how many admissions have been purchased.
- Meal Types: This provides quick meal counts and a total.
Letters & Emails
You can generate and send Letters & Emails through the RSVP Dashboard to sponsors, table hosts, admission purchasers, and RSVP contacts that include their RSVP link to register their guests and other key details about their attendees. The emails can be generated for all purchases that include admissions at once, a specific filtered group of purchases, or just a single purchase depending on your needs. This makes the process of collecting guest information quick and easy! Learn how to use RSVP Letters & Emails
RSVP Dashboard Summary
- Search Tools: You can search by Purchaser Name or Package Name.
- Sales Reference Number: The Sales Reference Number is a link that will take you right into editing the specific Sale. From there, you can Allocate Admissions yourself, or Generate the RSVP URL for an eligible Sale.
- Purchaser Name (Show Allocations): Each Purchaser Name has an option to Show or Hide Allocations. This will allow you to see exactly who is allocated to that Purchase.
- Package Name: This is the name of the Sponsorship or Admission Package that was purchased by the Purchaser.
- Allocated: These numbers indicate a) how many total tickets were included in this Sale, and b) how many of those tickets are currently allocated.
- RSVP URL: A quick button to copy the URL listed for easy pasting. This is the URL that should be sent to the Purchaser, so that they may share it with their guests. Each guest that uses this RSVP URL can be imported up to the total amount available. If it doesn't appear, simply click the Sales Reference Number to generate the RSVP URL.
- RSVP Contact: This field is perfect for tracking who within the purchasing company is working with you to provide guest names.